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Under current medicines legislation veterinary medicines and products sold at Millcroft Veterinary Group can be divided into the following categories;

  • POM-V   Prescription only Medicine: Supplied by a Veterinarian only for animals under their care;
  • POM-VPS Prescription only Medicine: Supplied by a Veterinarian, pharmacist,   suitably qualified person or SQP;
  • NFA-VPS Non food animal-Veterinarian, pharmacist, suitably qualified person;
  • AVM-GSL – Authorised veterinary medicine – General Sales List

We will make every effort to provide you with the information you require with regard to the costs of medicines for your pet. We can inform you of the costs of any medicines that are to be prescribed or dispensed at any time and our itemised invoices will show the costs of each medicinal product. Further information on the prices of medicines is available on request.

When a condition has been diagnosed in your pet and this condition requires long term medical treatment we can continue to supply the treatment your pet requires, but we ask that you return to the practice for a check up at least every 6 months. Some conditions may require more frequent check ups, as advised by the Veterinary Surgeon taking care of your pet.

Taken from the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons

4.9 Veterinary Medicines Regulations do not define the phrase 'under his care' and the RCVS has interpreted it as meaning that:

  • the veterinary surgeon must have been given the responsibility for the health of the animal or herd by the owner or the owner's agent
  • that responsibility must be real and not nominal
  • the animal or herd must have been seen immediately before prescription or
  • recently enough or often enough for the veterinary surgeon to have personal knowledge of the condition of the animal or current health status of the herd or flock to make a diagnosis and prescribe
  •  the veterinary surgeon must maintain clinical records of that herd/flock/individual.

4.10 What amounts to 'recent enough' must be a matter for the professional judgement of the veterinary surgeon in the individual case.

This checkup is called a ‘Consultation for Repeat Prescription’ and involves a clinical examination, a weight check and review of your pets’ medication. The cost of this consultation is £30.00 During this consultation we can assess the progression of your pets’ condition and ensure nothing has changed, which may mean we need to alter doses, or even what medication is used. Remember - for an animal the ageing process is much faster than in humans. A period of 6 months (or the equivalent of over three years for a human) is a long time for an on-going medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic osteoarthritis and so regular check ups are essential.

Written Prescriptions are available from this practice and costs approximately £27. Your pets’ medicines can be prescribed by your vet at Millcroft and can be dispensed from another veterinary surgeon or a veterinary pharmacy. A written prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or if immediate treatment is necessary.

For all medicines it is important that you read all the advice sheets contained in your medicine packaging and carefully follow the instructions for administration.

Please always ask a member of staff if you have any queries.